We need your help!

Help support Tulsa Pride by volunteering in any capacity you can. Once we have a fit for your ability and availability, the Volunteers Team will be in touch with information on training sessions.

Clear Signature
Tulsa Pride Parade and Festival and its affiliate Oklahomans for Equality, have no authority or power to protect participants from harm caused by other participants of the Tulsa Pride Parade and Festival. Due to the unexpected and events beyond our control, participating in the Tulsa Pride Parade and Festival carries with it inherent risks of danger. Participants in the Tulsa Pride Parade and Festival are subject to a risk of severe injury, including permanent disfigurement and/or death. All participants who particiapte in the Tulsa Pride Parade and Festival do so at their own risk. I have read this assumption of risk and fully understand it. I understand the risks involved in the activity. I understand that by signing this release, I am certifying that I am aware of the risks associated with the Tulsa Pride Parade and Festival and I wish to participate nonetheless. I sign this release freely and voluntarily without reservation.