Q. Can I bring my dog to the Celebration?
A. No. We love pets, but no animals (except service animals) are allowed in the Rainbow Run, the Parade, or on Festival grounds. This is to ensure the safety of everyone, including our furry friends. Leashed dogs are allowed at Pride in the Park at Guthrie Green
Q. How much does it cost to attend?
A. The Tulsa Pride Parade, Celebration, and Picnic in the Park are free of charge. Festival goers will have to purchase food and beverage if they like at the Street Festival. Though we would really appreciate a suggested donation of $5 to help cover costs associated with Tulsa Pride.
Q. Do you have to be 18 to attend?
A. No, there is no age limit to attend the Tulsa Pride Parade, Celebration, or Picnic in the Park. All are welcome to attend. Small areas of the festival are restricted to 21 and up due to alcoholic beverage laws. Some other Tulsa Pride events have age limits depending on the venue (fundraisers at bars for example).
Q. Is the festival appropriate for my children?
A. Yes, the Tulsa Pride festival is very family friendly. All laws regarding dress, public behavior, and intoxication are well monitored by our on-site team of Tulsa Police Officers and private security.
Q. Do you have to be gay to come to Pride?
A. No. Tulsa Pride is not only about Gay Pride, but also about coming together as a community and having a good time. Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Transgender, Questioning, Straight Allies... all are welcome!
Q. Do you need Volunteers?
A. Yes! Please see our Volunteer Page and sign up if you are able to help out!
Q. Where is the celebration held?
A. The Celebration is held at the corner of East 4th Street and South Kenosha Avenue in Tulsa, OK. That’s just East of the Blue Dome District in Downtown Tulsa.
Q. Where can I stay when I come to Tulsa Pride?
A. There are several hotels in the Downtown Tulsa area. Check the Equality Business Alliance listing for LGBT Friendly hotels.
Q. Where do I Park?
A. There are many options for parking for the Tulsa Pride Celebration, Parade, and Pride in the Park. Curb-side parking and paid parking lots are available in the areas surrounding all of the events.
Q. What is the Parade Route?
A. The Parade Runs north on Boston Ave from 13th Street, then east on 4th Street to the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center.
Q. What is the best place to watch the Parade.
A. There is excellent viewing all along the Parade route!
Q. Who is Tulsa Pride?
A. Tulsa Pride is a program of Oklahomans for Equality.
Q. I’m Confused: what is the difference between Tulsa Pride, Oklahomans for Equality (OkEq), and the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center?
A. Oklahomans for Equality is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Tulsa Pride is a program of Oklahomans for Equality. The Dennis R. Neill Equality Center is the headquarters of OkEq.
Q. What other events are happening?
A. Check out the Tulsa Pride Facebook Page.
If we did not answer your question, feel free to contact us!